Not all fat is bad. Fat plays a crucial role in our body’s ability function. Healthy fats are responsible for providing energy, making and balancing hormones, and reproductive health. Fat is a primary source of energy for kids and a secondary source for adults.

We recommend eating a thumbs worth of fat with each meal. Healthy fats are very high in calories, delicious, and can be easily over consumed. 

Foods that contain healthy fat include, butter and coconut products, olive and avocado oils, avocado, nuts, seeds and animal products. Seafood, algi, seaweed are all food products high in omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids support bodily functions such as decreased pain, increased brain function, lowering inflammation, opening our air ducts, and improving lung function. 

Most commonly found in processed food, omega 6 fatty acids do the opposite. Omega 6 is responsible for increasing pain, promotes inflammation, reduces brain function, restricting airways and decreased lung function, and blood clotting. Both omega 3 and 6 fatty acids support essential functions in our bodies, and we shouldn’t entirely remove either from our diets, however, we do want a balance. 

Trans Fats are fats that are generally highly processed. Margarine, canola, and some vegetable oils. As much as one meal full of trans fats can impact out body composition and function. As a result, products made from transfats are designed to hold a longer shelf life, not designed to promote longer human life. 

Eating a diet balanced in whole fresh foods, will supports performance, body composition change, and longevity. 

Our Tips

  1. Create strong eating habits that allow you to make the best choices you can.
  2. Eating a diet high in a variety of fresh produce, nuts seeds, and some animal products.
  3. Eat mindfully. Chew your food! Don’t eat in front of the computer.

If you would like a more specific strategy tailored to your nutritional needs, contact us by booking your FREE nutrition help call below and speak with one of our coaches.

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