Limiting factors are factors in our lives that we struggle to change or are resistant to change.

Identifying these areas helps us shift our focus to areas where we need it the most. These can be habits that take a little more conscious effort than others. When we make small changes in these areas we see greater results. Spending more time on habits we struggle with while letting our least resistant habits tick away in the background. 

Limiting factors and habits include; The food choices you make, the types of food you eat, how you eat, why you are eating, your activity level, and environmental factors such as work, family, and friends.

Nutrition is a journey for life, creating and changing habits to find the best pathway for you.

Our food choices impact our results. Filling up on good nutritious foods will leave less room for the not so nutritious ones. If there is food in your house, you, someone you love, or at the least someone you tolerate will likely eat it.

Aiming for colourful whole foods, mostly plants, and animal products, in their least processed or original forms. Eating a variety of nutrients is important for staying healthy, feeling, and looking our best.

Will power will only get you so far. Create an environment around you that supports your goals. You can’t out supplement a poor diet. We absorb more nutrients from our food than we do in supplement form. This is due to the other nutrients that are in our food and how they work together to maximise absorption. However, you might need to supplement if you exercise frequently, pregnant, menstruating, live in a hot climate, or eat a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Environmental factors such as our house, the people we interact with regularly, our culture and society influence how we eat, and how successful we are at changing our habits. As the saying goes “you are a combination of the 5 people you hang out with most”. Do those 5 people promote and support your change?

Most decisions we make each day are unconscious and we are heavily influenced by our environment. By creating an environment that supports our goals it will be easier to stick to our path, and avoid frustration.

Our Tips

  1. Start by eating vegetables and getting 6-9 hours of sleep each night.
  2. Know your goals, and take small actionable steps to reach them.
  3. Create strong eating habits that allow you to make the best choices you can.
  4. Don’t eat in front of a computer, at your desk, or while you work.

If you would like a more specific strategy tailored to your nutritional needs, contact us by booking your FREE nutrition help call below and speak with one of our coaches.

One of our friendly staff will contact you shortly to chat about your health and fitness goals.