Personal Training VS Group Classes

If you are just starting out, or have been training for what feels like forever here are some of the differences between group class coaching and personal training you might not have thought about before. In short they are two very different styles of training. Lets dive in. Personal Training Personal training is designed to […]
What is Scaling?

Scaling simply put is swapping one movement out for another. CrossFit is designed for everyone, no matter age, fitness level or ability. This means from time to time we need to mix things up and change the workouts to suit you. At CrossFit Oxygen we are here to help you get the most out of […]
What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is…. CrossFit is many things. By definition CrossFit is a lifestyle characterised by safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition. CrossFit can be used to accomplish any goal, from improved health to weight loss to better performance. The program works for everyone—people who are just starting out and people who have trained for years. CrossFit is […]
About us – Our Why

Everyone has a reason they wake up in the morning, the reason you get out of bed when your alarm goes off. The driving force that keeps you going when times are tough, and makes you excited when times a great. Your why can be about providing for your family, your passion for helping others […]
7 Ways Kids Can Benefit From CrossFit

CrossFit has as many health benefits for both adults and children. It provides a motivational and supportive environment that anything becomes possible. In this article, we take the opportunity to highlight seven 7 ways kids can benefit from CrossFit: 1. Self-confidence CrossFit undoubtedly makes children more confident. It encourages them to attempt new challenges and […]
The Functional Movements of CrossFit

CrossFit is constantly varied, each day is different and exciting. The fundamental movements are natural movements that can be mimicked across into our daily life. Each movement is strengthening our body for tasks that we do real life, unlike a generic gym where training specific muscle groups are popular using movements such as hamstring curls […]
Why Rx’ing the workout is hurting your gains.

Well I might have trapped you with that title, but for the most part it’s true. Athletes tend to get hurt more when they go heavier or faster then their form will allow. Luckily for you, you probably have a coach (hopefully a good one) who chimes in when you start looking a little shaky. […]
Quick and easy meal planning in under 15 minutes.

Meal planning is more than just staying on track with your nutrition. It helps with time management, helps us be more agile when life happens and saves us money. We spend less time wondering the isles of the supermarkets, more time doing the things you love. Less impulse buying after a long day at work, […]
July 2020 Member of the Month

Member of the Month – July Congratulations Gihani! Gihani has consistently shown her dedication to her goals. Behind the scenes she has been sticking to her nutrition plan, working out around an injury and asking a million questions to get the absolute most out of this isolation period. This has earned her July Member of […]
June 2020 Member of the Month

Member of the Month – Josh Congratulations Josh! His positive attitude, eagerness to learn more and push himself in each workout has earned him June Member of the Month. If you had to say something to someone looking to try CF for the first time, what would it be? Give it a go because for […]