
How is this different to 1:1 Nutrition Coaching?

The nutrition group challenge is an 8-week nutrition kickstart. The nutrition guide gives you all the information you need to do it on your own. You will have the support of your coaches through the Facebook group, however, you don’t have a personal coach to keep you accountable.

Will I miss out on my favourite foods? 

The challenge is YOU against YOU. There is no winner, however, depending on your goals, you can challenge yourself to change a few of your healthy eating habits or all of them. 

I am vegan/vegetarian. Can I still join?

YES! We have vegan and vegetarian options in the guide. 

How often do I need to workout during the challenge? 

We always recommend 3-4 days of training throughout the year, however, come as often or as little that suits your schedule. 

How much fat is a safe and sustainable amount of fat to lose during the 8 weeks? 

500g – 1kg is a safe and sustainable amount of weight loss each week. If you are losing more total body weight than that you are likely burning muscle! 

I don’t want to lose body fat, is this challenge for me? 

Our goal is to teach you the simplest way to change your healthy eating habits, including guidelines to help you choose quality foods, and varying food quantities. This is relevant to all fitness goals, including strength building and performance. 

I cook for my whole family, can I still do it?

Absolutely, the whole family will be able to eat the same meals as you do. We show you how to easily portion your recipes, and create delicious meals.

One of our friendly staff will contact you shortly to chat about your health and fitness goals.