
Overnight oats are a great way to minimise the cooking time in the kitchen. They don’t just taste great, they are also a great source of vitamins and minerals! To help get your day started the right way for busy professionals,  perfect for a post-workout refuel or a mid-day pick me up! These breakfast options are a high carbohydrate meal that is a delicious way to fuel all of your adventures.

Prep Time 5 minutes

Course Breakfast / Post Workout

Berry Boost

1 cup of oats
1 Tbs Chia seeds
Frozen Berries
3/4 cup water or Milk

Cinnamon Crush

1 Cup of Rolled Oats
3/4 cup water or milk
1/2 – 1 medium banana
Cinnamon to taste

Apple Pie

1 cup of oats
1 Apple cut into wedges or cubed
3/4 cup milk or water
1 Thumb Almond slivers

Protein Junkie

1 cup of egg whites
1 cup of oats
1 scoop protein powder
1 Tbs Chia seeds
Frozen Berries


  1. If using egg whites you must cook.
  2. On the stove add egg whites, oats and chia seeds. We recommend doing a big batch 4-5 days worth, to get the most out of your kitchen time.
  3. Cook on low heat up to 20 minutes or until oats have thickened up, stir frequently.
  4. Serve portions into Tupperware containers
  5. Add protein scoop and/ or frozen berries.
  6. If you’re not cooking, stir well.
  7. Place in the fridge until you need them each day.
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